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Showing posts from March, 2018

How to file a Consumer Complaint in our Country...!

We are all  Consumers of goods and services  in one way or the other. The moment we take birth on this earth we become consumers and are entitled to seek relief under the  Consumer Protection Act . These days we see that consumers are cheated and harassed in many ways. At times they are provided with inferior quality of goods, at times with less quantity than actually demanded whereas at other times the consumer is charged with excess prices than otherwise fixed for the commodity. The traders consider consumers as persons who are morons having paying capacity and can try to deceive them in every possible way. Therefore, there was a strong need felt to protect the consumers. Although we have some laws which protect the consumers to some extent which are listed as follows:  The Indian Contract Act, 1872 Sale of Goods Act, 1936 The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976 The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1952 The Agricu...

What is a Legal Notice

Legal notice is a formal communication to a person or entity informing him that you intend to undertake legal proceedings against him / her. It is a step taken before filing a suit, and is meant to warn the other party that legal action may be taken against him/her, if he/she fails to comply with some specified condition. In what cases can we send a Legal Notice Most common cases where I have engaged with my clients in sending legal notices is in case of Property disputes, Dishonour of Cheque, Family disputes pertaining to asset distributions, Husband / Wife conflicts as a warning before taking legal action against the spouse, Consumer complaints and cases where salary / wage commitments are not met. How to send a Legal notice / what is the process for sending a Legal Notice Many times we do not know the legal importance and meaning of the usual words which we use in a casual manner, engaging a qualified lawyer helps in drafting the legal-notice. Extreme care is taken...